
Ho Leng
— “The Great Expectation” in fragments

Peter Weiermair
Rede zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung Zenita Komad, Rosmarie Lukasser und Terry Fox am 29.01.2013

Christine Wetzlinger-Grundnig
— Harpyie (deutsch)
— Harpyie (english) 

Peter Gorsen
— The Supremacy of Ambivalent Feelings and
Coquetry with Things

— Die Macht der ambivalenten Gefühle und das Kokettieren mit den Dingen

Nathalie Hoyos
— 80 Days around the World. 10 Years of Zenita City.
— In 80 Tagen um die Welt. 10 Jahre Zenita City.

John Welchman
LBZK: Heart Mistresses

Himali Singh Soin
Eternally, I Am Your Yes – Zenita Komad

August Ruhs
— Back To The Roots oder Anleitung zur richtigen Wurzelbehandlung

Hans-Peter Wipplinger
— On the Insatiable Hunger of a Deeply-rooted Need to Visualise. An Attempt at a Localisation of the Artistic Practice of Zenita Komad.
Über den unstillbaren Hunger eines tief verwurzelten Vergegenwärtigungsbedürfnisses. Versuch einer Verortung der künstlerischen Praxis von Zenita Komad.

Markus Mittringer
— Dear z.
liebe z.
Überall ist Zenita City
— incensed
— im weihrau(s)ch
A solemn mass for the poor hubbles
— Feierliche Messe für die armen Hubbles

Lothar Schmidt
— Eulogy by Lothar
— Eloge von Lothar

Gerald Matt
— Canned Chess! Recollections on the Genesis of Zenita Komad’s “Operation Capablanca”.
— Schach der Konserve! Erinnerungen an die Genese von Zenita Komads Operation Capablanca.
— Interview: I use mayself as material …
— Interview: Ich verwende mich als Material …

Ingried Brugger
Statement (English)
Statement (German)

Margarita Thurn
The Soul of the Child
Kleider machen Leute

Peter Vuijca

Stefan Musil
Marias Pfeil

Lucas Gehrmann
Bildobjekte, Subjekt-Bilder
Poesie der Zeichen
Operation Capablanca, Music-dramatic
Moves with 264 Open Outcomes

Operation Capablanca, ein musikdramatischer
Felderzug mit 264 offenen Ausgängen

Alexander Pühringer
— And Zarathustra climbed back into the mountains, thus to speak no more.
Und Zarathustra geht zurück in die Berge und schweigt

Franz Graf
— Kampfzone

Helen Chang Morris
God Speed your Tongue

Peter Noever
Quotes / Zitate

Ursula Krinzinger
In Conversation with Zenita Komad 

Johannes Rauchenberger
God is Not Nothing (Interview with Zenita Komad)
Interview zur Ausstellung „I Love God“
Be Light unto the World (Galerie Gölles)
Sei Licht für die Welt (Galerie Gölles)

Danielle Spera
Salvation cannot be bought
Seelenheil kann man nicht kaufen

Almuth Spiegler
Zenita Komad: “God Is Not a Cash Machine”
Zenita Komad: „Gott ist kein Bankomat“

Meinhard Rauchensteiner
The Comfort of Questioning
Geborgenheit des Fragens


Felicitas Thun
Rivoluziona la vita! – Zenitas Opfer?

Susanne Längle
At the Beginning was Simplicity

Clarissa Mayer-Heinisch
— Zenita’s Universe – Anleitung zum Glücklichsein


Ingried Brugger, Director, BA Art Forum, Vienna

“It is stages that Zenita Komad creates at Galerie Krinzinger, set up for the purpose of self-presentation, which inevitably brings me to the question: Do I like this? For Zenita’s claim is a seemingly casual, but in fact quite usurpatory appropriation of all those parts of the world that seem important to her. In ‘Zenita Universe’, the artist is the strategist who makes use of given artist attitudes as naturally as she runs the gamut of networking in the scene. And finally art history itself turns into a self-service store from which things are unabashedly taken out, altered, and remixed: props in a pictorial representation of Zenita’s universe! And all this is done with a self-confidence which fascinates as much as it irritates, which attracts and repels. That is one thing. But there is more, much more. Lurking behind ostensible shallowness of such a concept and the déjà-vu experience (which is inevitable) is a complicated artistic self-expression that is worth exploring. Secret messages, visual allusions, social and political gibes and taunts, and again and again the attempt to reorganize one’s own psyche and to make it communicable. These are just some of the things which travel hand in hand in Zenita Universe – provided with poignant intelligence – on a path which indeed makes the world appear new. This is something that does not happen every day, and it brings me to the decision: yes, I like the Zenita Universe.”