
When Heaven Kisses Earth Part I

In her performance, presented at the CIGE INTERNATIONAL SOLO SHOW PROJECT, Zenita Komad creates a space designed according to the wisdom of the Book of Changes (I ging). The exhibition space comprises 64 square meters, which correspond in number with the 64 oracular statements in the Book of Changes). With this accordance in mind, Zenita Komad reduces them to essential three key elements. CH'IEN / THE CREATIVE / HEAVEN is positioned on the ceiling, K'UN / THE RECEPTIVE / EARTH is positioned on the floor, while T'AI / PEACE is placed on all of the walls. The first empty space is to be filled by a processual performance. (The walls measure 280cm high, and the floor 800x800cm. Each square meter is divided into 3 squares: 35x33,3, (sum of digits: 8 ) sum of digits: 3   symbolizes the triad heaven/earth/human, 64x3 192 x 3 = ( sum of digits 576 : 9 sum of digits; 9 symbolizes  dragon… sum of squares: walls 576 + heaven 64 + earth 64 = 704 sum of digits: 2 sum of digits: 2 symbolizing Yin und Yang (zenita komad, roomconstruction).

Mrs. Yin and Mr. Yang draw the symbols in a meditation, which continues for the duration of the exhibition. They commence from outset of the exhibition, and conclude with the final brushstroke. The environment contains a sculpture depicting childbirth and symbolizes the future.

In recent years Zenita Komad has created a parallel universe entitled Zenita City, which has evolved into Zenita Galaxy and further into Zenita Universe: a cosmos comprising her works, but also a growing network of inhabitants, recipients, transmitters and collaborators. “And yet, while Komad, with her pictures of letters, approaches the abstraction of Concept Art, which excludes the corporeal and material, most of the image carriers are a materialization of the pictorial and sculptural métier” (Peter Gorsen in: Zenita Komad, OPUS IV)
